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The following advice is offered to minimize the discomfort that may follow periodontal surgery. These are suggestions, and not absolute requirements in every case. Some of the comments may not apply to your specific case.


If you are on any anticoagulants notify us prior to surgery so we can discuss this with your primary physician. Let us know what you are taking for vitamins and herbal supplements. To avoid inducing bleeding, avoid sucking on a straw, spitting, and drinking carbonated beverages the day of surgery. No strenuous exercise the day of surgery. If bleeding does occur, apply non-stop pressure to the area for 20 minutes, and then call the office.


Celebrex, Ibuprofen, and Tylenol are very effective for pain relief. You will be given a prescription to be taken following surgery. It is important that you take this for the four days for relief of discomfort and swelling. You will be given a stronger medication if it is necessary. Do not hesitate to call if you are uncomfortable. Do not take extra medicines such as tranquilizers, pain pills, or sleeping pills without consultation. *NOTE* you must read pharmacy literature for all prescriptions provided.


Swelling is a natural reaction to any injury and part of the normal course of healing. Surgical procedures are a form of injury. Some swelling is necessary and good, as it brings the cells and fluids that are necessary to heal and repair injured tissues. Your prescription taken as directed will greatly diminish any swelling.


Your body temperature may rise slightly (less than one degree) above normal because of the healing process. If your temperature rises excessively (above 100 degrees F or 38 degrees C) please call as it could mean that an infection is starting.


Please refrain from smoking for at least twenty-four hours following a surgical procedure to avoid disruption of the normal clotting process. Smoking contributes to post-operative infections and delays healing.

Alcoholic Beverages

Alcoholic beverages tend to cause dehydration, which may slow healing. NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES WHEN TAKING PAIN PILLS, TRANQUILIZERS, OR SLEEPING PILLS!


Usually it is best to wait until the anesthesia has worn off after surgery before eating. If you have trouble chewing, eat soft foods. Resume your normal diet as soon as possible without discomfort. For Connective Tissue Graft patients; avoid biting into firm foods, fruits with skins (apples), popcorn, and spicy or acidic food/drinks.


Avoid brushing the surgical area until your follow-up appointment in 7-10 days. However, you should continue to brush and floss the remaining teeth. Use the prescribed mouth rinse as directed.

Surgical Dressing (if applicable)

If a dressing has been placed over a surgical area in your mouth and it becomes displaced or falls out, give us a call for instructions. If the dressing seems loose, do not tug or pull it out as it may be attached to a suture.

Surgical Stent (if applicable)

Your surgical stent is made of acrylic and is designed for patient comfort after connective tissue graft procedures. Use of the stent will help to eliminate the risk of post-surgical bleeding and minimize discomfort associated with the donor site on the palate. Stents should be worn for the first 48 hours after the procedure. Removal of the stent to complete oral hygiene is important. The stent can be rinsed and brushed before placement back into the mouth. After the first 48 hours, stents may be worn as needed to provide comfort. Many patients find they prefer to wear their stent while eating during the healing phase. Please consider bringing the stent to the office after it is no longer needed. We will store it for you. This will ensure that it is available if needed for future grafting procedures.


If (conscious) sedation was used for the procedure, you will not be able to drive or operate machinery or make any financial or legal decisions for 24 hours.

*Note* You must read pharmacy literature for all prescriptions provided.

Please call the office if you have any questions or concerns. Please listen to the answering machine completely for information if Dr. Herrin is away. If the office is closed, please contact:

Dr. Herrin: Cell Phone (603) 759-2684

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American Board of Periodontology
Chao Pinhole® Surgical Technique